Threat Intelligence


Threat intelligence is evidence-based knowledge about your organization’s current and potential cybersecurity risks. Every company needs threat intelligence to develop an effective security strategy.


Make your business more resilient to cyberattacks with MetaDefender® Threat Intelligence solutions powered by industry-leading expertise and technology. OPSWAT provides security and risk management teams with detailed, informative Threat Intelligence, enabling teams to quickly detect, understand, and respond to sophisticated malware and zero-day threats.




Quickly Respond to Evolving Threats


Modern threats are evolving rapidly. Zero-day attacks and evasive malware can stay hidden, avoiding detection by conventional solutions. Organizations are under pressure to quickly identify these threats to reduce breakout time.


Evolving threat landscape

  • Evasive and adaptable malware: This modern malware is able to constantly evade detection, giving it more time to cause damage to your system and steal your data.
  • Targeted attacks and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): Organizations with high-value data are susceptible to targeted attacks or APTs whereby unauthorized users gain access to an internal system for an extended time.


Managing breakout time

  • Delayed detection and response time: With the adaptability and rapid development of threats, time is of the essence. Organizations need sophisticated tools for comprehensive detection so they can respond to threats before damage occurs.
  • Lacking accurate and complete data: Data tells your organization where you can strengthen your strategy, but disjointed threat intelligence solutions often make it challenging to generate comprehensive reports.


Limited tools & workflows

  • Lacking deep analysis: Understanding your threats is essential for mitigating them, and this can only occur with deep analysis of malware and other threats that affect your organization.
  • Siloed, disconnected tooling: When tools can’t communicate with each other, your team is more likely to miss vulnerabilities and fail to act on risks. Integration is key.




Actionable Threat Intelligence


OPSWAT’s data-driven Threat Intelligence solutions utilize information gathered from a wide variety of sources, including MetaDefender Reputation Service and MetaDefender Threat Intelligence, detecting advanced malware, zero-day threats, and valuable IOCs. Equipped with this information, cybersecurity teams can take preventative action and, if necessary, respond quickly to active threats.


MetaDefender Reputation Service API Powered by Billions of Data Points

MetaDefender Reputation Service API makes it easy to inspect IP addresses, domains, and URLs for potential malicious behavior. With multiple IP and URL reputation sources, this functionality shines when detecting emerging threats, such as evasive malware that might remain undetected through conventional file scanning. Retrieve scan reports and search over 40 billion hashes, IPs, and domains. Learn More →



Identify Known & Unknown Threats with MetaDefender Threat Intelligence API

MetaDefender Threat Intelligence API enables effective detection and hunting of emerging cyberthreats through machine-learning powered similarity search to identify unknown malware. Use our pattern search to identify known malware. Learn More →





Empower Threat Hunting with Data-Driven Threat Intelligence


Uncover and help eliminate threats with MetaDefender Threat Intelligence. Our solution provides deep insights from billions of data points gathered over two decades. We combine machine learning with multiple data sources to quickly identify emerging threats.


  • Accelerate incident response & containment – During security incidents, threat intelligence guides effective responses. Combining MetaDefender Reputation Service API with MetaDefender Threat Intelligence API reveals attackers’ methods, aids in timely containment, helps prevent lateral movement, and expedites recovery.
  • Identify attackers & their tools – Understand your adversaries and their tactics to identify potential threat exposures with MetaDefender Threat Intelligence API. Detect zero-day malware with our machine-learning-powered similarity search.
  • Enrich your tools & workflows – Extend the reach and visibility of your security personnel, processes, and technology with OPSWAT Intelligence Technologies. Improve incident response and security operations processes by integrating Threat Intelligence Search into your security tools and workflows with the extensive MetaDefender Reputation Service API.
  • Visibility into emerging trends – Go beyond simply understanding if a URL, file, or hash is good or bad by using tags. Scan results from multiple antivirus engines and extensive metadata to gain insights into emerging threats.
  • Fill skill and training gaps – Generate easy-to-read reports for entry-level analysts and automatically generate digestible executive summaries and reports from the dashboard using MetaDefender Sandbox.
  • A unified view of all activity – Rather than working with a set of disjointed tools, the MetaDefender product suite allows you to access all software information in one place. Review recent threat discoveries, uncover Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), and identify similar files for proactive risk management in one place.
  • Streamlined integration – With the help of various APIs, our platforms easily integrate into your existing systems and equip you to adapt your current workflow. When you need immediate solutions for threat intelligence, OPSWAT provides the tools for fast deployment so you can reap the benefits as soon as possible.




Complete Threat Intelligence


MetaDefender Sandbox

MetaDefender Sandbox detects zero-day malware and extracts more indicators of comprise by safely detonating evasive malware. Learn More →



MetaDefender Reputation Service

Integrate into existing SaaS products via REST API and leverage our extensive hash database, IP reputation services, and more. Learn More →



Threat Intelligence

Improve your security posture with real-time threat detection using advanced machine learning. Discover threats and make informed decisions to strengthen your cybersecurity measures. Learn More →




Partners: OPSWAT