Encrypted Smartphone


Premium security on your smartphone
Over 5 billion people worldwide perform their daily personal and business activities on mobile. Mobile security hasn’t always been a top priority for Enterprises and business owners, therefore a growing number of poorly protected enterprise mobile networks and devices has become an easy target for cyber criminals.


Encrypted Smartphone Includes:

  • Custom built OS on high-end devices
  • On-device management
  • Application security
  • Detection & mitigation
  • Real time risk level monitoring
  • Personal security Chameleon + emergency recording
  • Premium usability
  • Advanced risk resolution



  • End-to-end encryption
  • Security alert system
  • Hashing personal data


The Threats

  • Ransomware
  • Network spoofing
  • Phishing


Privacy First
Prevent damaging cyber attacks from harming your organization. Kaymera continuously protects your location, voice calls, messages, and files.


One phone – two realities
Experience a whole new concept of identity and data protection with Kaymera’s advanced personal security features.


Chameleon mode
Create a doppleganger hidden account on the same device to secure the most private data.


Chameleon mode
Enjoy the freedom of mobility and communications without the risk of falling victim to cybercrime or hostile entities.




Partners: Kaymera

Products: Software