Domain Name Management


Organisations have an increasing requirement to manage their suite of domain names and web presence from external threats, unauthorized and shadow elements, misconfiguration and expiration.


iZOOlogic is in a unique position to manage client whitelisted domains and authorised content. Domain Name Management dovetails into overarching threat and risk management solutions. Combined with the monitoring of unauthorized, fake and malicious domain names and content, services will manage client domain name portfolios.


Domain Name Management provides visibility and control across the domain portfolio, a central repository across an organisation’s registrars and brands. The services allow the business to proactively renew and prevent domains and certificates going into expiration and acquired third-party domains.


iZOOlogic has great knowledge in working with domain registries and registrars, brokers, Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), new gTLDs sunrise periods, ICANN, legal processes such as UDRP to ensure the organisation is best positioned across the domain sphere.


Digital Asset Management and Domain Name Management will ensure that high availability, health and reputation.


  • Gain control and situational awareness
  • Visibility and control over the domain sphere.
  • Guards against misconfigurations and poor domain health
  • Secure domains inventory from third parties




Partners: iZOOlogic

Products: Digital Asset Management