Cyber Awareness

It is very important that to know and understand the security risks in our daily use of digital devices. In this training, we will oversee the cyber challenges experienced on the technical layer of the organization. This course discovers popular internal attacks and helps the participant for new and known threats in the office and at home.



Basic Computer Use

Module 1:
Overview – Popular Attacks
-Eternal Blue
-DNS spoof

Module 2:
Social Engineering Methods And Security Awareness
-Social Networks – Dating sites, Social networks such as Facebook \ Twitter, Sensitive photos
-Passwords – Strength and length, Never save passwords as cleartext,
-Use passwords complexity, Password change rate, Never keep physical copy of the passphrases
-Usage of unique and one of a kind password
-Never use old passwords or same password for different application
-Solutions for password security
-Phishing – Email security, Suspicious emails or addresses, file extensions, links
-Awareness for phishing emails
-Personal Equipment-BYOD
-Restriction of personal drive usage, personal laptops, copies or backups of company information or software

Module 3:


  • Datasheet 1



Partners: HackerU

Available Training: HackerU Defensive Security