Censys Search


Censys Search empowers governments, enterprises, and researchers with the most comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date Map of the Internet for proactive and reactive security analysis at scale.


  • Most comprehensive view of the internet: Keep up with evolving threats and ensure you are operating on accurate information. Censys Search scans 45x more services and 2x more ports than our nearest competitor with daily scans of the top 137 ports and top 1440 ports in the cloud.


  • Deep insights and context-aware capabilities: Censys empowers security teams to make faster decisions by providing the context necessary to understand asset connections, current configurations, and discovered threat details.


  • Detailed access to historical data: Censys stores information for up to two years, enabling retroactive research, forensic analysis, and visibility into how assets have changed over time.



Censys Search Use Cases


The customers use Censys Search for a variety of different use cases to gain more visibility, accelerate suspicious asset discovery, and investigate nefarious activity.


Threat Hunting


Suspicious Infrastructure Identification


Compromised Host Discovery


Intrusion Detection



Accelerate Investigations with Censys Search


Censys Search is the trusted data source across a wide array of industries, including commercial businesses, government agencies, and research institutions.


  • Enterprise Organizations: Businesses across a wide range of industries leverage Censys Search to quickly identify and remediate critical threats. Customers use Censys Search to improve threat intelligence operations, identify attacker command and control infrastructure, research new and emerging threats, and thwart breaches before they happen.


  • Government Agencies: Censys is the trusted data provider to a wide range of global government agencies to identify Advanced Persistent Threats from nation-state actors trying to gain insights into network infrastructure. With Censys, agencies can conduct historical analysis, gather evidence and criminal intelligence, manage key assets and certificates, and identify critical infrastructure.


  • Research Institutions: Academic and research institutions use Censys Search to analyze historical and emerging threat patterns, determine how the internet is changing, and formulate a perspective and recommendations on improving internet-wide security.




Partners: Censys

Products: Web Application Security