Brand Protection



Online Brand Abuse

Online brand abuse varies from unintentional brand misuse to significant malicious intent, Copyright and Trademark infringement, intellectual property theft and corporate identity theft. Brand Monitoring, as the first stage of prevention helps to minimise associated risks. Without this, Corporate branding can be readily hijacked for the purpose of delivering malicious payloads from a “trusted” source. Online Brand abuse can result in major reputational damage, dilution of the business message, corporate identity theft and lost revenue. The business needs to be aware of such issues and be proactive in terms of potential abuse. Brand monitoring is the process of monitoring various online digital channels. Brand Abuse has become increasingly sophisticated, more widespread and is often the primary vector to launch more complex attacks an organisation.



Brand Monitoring

Brand Monitoring is the first line of defence in the Threat Intelligence matrix and digital risk management strategy. iZOOlogic provides proprietary systems to monitor client brands and domains deep into the Internet and public facing web. The iZOOlogic Brand Monitoring systems use a range of keyword and image heuristics, signature and hash detections, and also employs a range of unique propriety techniques. The Global Security Incident Response will respond to a broad range of brand abuse and work with many third parties to resolve cases of brand and intellectual property infringements. iZOOlogic provides a suite of brand monitoring solutions to protect clients from online brand abuse. We offer a suite of tools and solutions to keep your brand and corporation safe across all digital channels.



Brand Protection

iZOOlogic solutions will provide the business visibility and management across their digital footprint and enable a range of responses against brand infringement and reputational risks. iZOOlogic will work with the business to enforce the common law legal rights across the internet. Our security analysts have a great deal of experience in negotiation with third parties across the globe to resolve the most complex or disputed cases of brand misuse and fraud associated with client brands.




Partners: iZOOlogic

Products: Web Application Security